Established in Mauritius since 2013, Namakoa Design provides interior design services to individuals and companies throughout the island. Our team members, having qualified in different countries such as Australia, Canada and Europe, combine their knowledge and experience to achieve a high level of client satisfaction and to provide efficient design solutions.

Collaboration is at the heart of our designs. With you, our team turns individual aspirations into shared ideas to create functional and stand out spaces that have personalities of their own. Beginning with the design concepts, following with the technical plans and drawings to the final installation, we immerse ourselves in your project and give it all our attention. From start to finish, we will assist you every step of the way.

Our objective is more than just the appearance of a space – we believe that interiors can strongly contribute to one’s happiness, well-being and productivity. It is in this perspective that we aim to optimize and harmonize the overall built environment. We always keep in mind the practical and aesthetic aspect of a design with the intention of raising productivity, purchases or improving lifestyle.


Principal interior designer


The perfectionist. Her attention to detail brings a strong attribute to the final outcome of our designs.


Principal interior designer


The optimist. With her positive attitude, she finds solutions to any problem along the way.


Interior design assistant


The hard-worker. Meticulous and organized, she has already completed a task before you know it and eager to start another right away.


Interior designer


The traveller. Her Italian roots allow her to travel
to Europe throughout the year, bringing back fresh
ideas and the latest trends.


Procurement & Design Assistant


The stylist. With her keen eye for visual story telling
and fairy hands, she brings interiors to life
from conception through to final installation.